RactiveJS Fundamentals for Web Developers
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Technology is no longer static, but rather dynamic. It talks, it listens and it grows. Interactivity has become a must for apps to survive in a tech driven world. Ractive. JS is the perfect way to get interactive apps and this course is the PERFECT way for you to learn this brilliant technology. Ractive JS is not a framework, but rather a JavaScript library that can be added on to any HTML and JavaScript framework. It is quite similar to React JS, but it still stands miles apart, making it easier for you to turn your static pages into dynamic content. Ractive was designed by theguardian news website for their application, making it faster and easier to update. Ractive transforms your HTML templates into blueprints for your apps and is small and unobtrusive. Ractive relies on your Mustache templates and converts them into a lightweight representation of the DOM, updating your real DOM only when changes occur. This technology has been in the around since 2013, but is slowly now gaining importance in the field of dynamic applications. There are NO COURSES that directly help you learn and master Ractive, until NOW. Our Ractive tutorial has been designed in collaboration with experts to help you learn this brilliant technology and boost your development skills. Breaking Ractive down into 6 sections, the course covers everything you need to know about this amazing JavaScript library. The first five sections cover RactiveJS, including what is Ractive, how to get started with the library, incorporating it with your current app, mustache templates, working with events, data bindings and how Ractive can simplify the process, as well as multiple different animations and transitions that can be used in your app with Ractive. The last section gives you hand-on experience of actually using the technology and building an app from scratch. You will use Ractive, NodeJS, Webpack, and Babel to build a user manager application. With so much to learn, what are you waiting for? Let's get started and bring your app a step closer to the future.

