Unity + SQL Databases Player Management Leaderboards + More!
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Take your games to the next level with this course!! Connect your Unity project with a backend database! There is so much that you can do with the information that you will learn from this course. You can track players scores, allow users to sign in and sign out, build a leaderboard of players and connect them from around the world! Topic Covered: UnityUnity Networking / WebrequestsUnity DatabaseUnity Player ManagementSQL DatabaseUnity UI WorkUnity LeaderboardsPHP Scripting BasicsLAMP Cloud Server Set UpDatabase SecurityPassword SecurityWorking with JSONAND SO MUCH MORE!! So come along for the ride and take your Unity projects to a whole new level!!!-Austin Patkos (eJPT, CCP, SAA, BCCe) has taught over 7,000 students on Udemy. He is passionate not only about tech but about teaching tech too. Knowing that remembering information isn't enough, you have to have a deeper understanding to be able to retain all of the information. He teaches in a manner that is sure to help you develop your skills and take you to the next level as a developer. He teaches a careful balance of giving enough information but also taking time to practice it too. Austin has developed these courses to teach people just like how to become better developers.

