REST API Automation with RestSharp & HTTP Client
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**The course has been updated with the latest version of the RestSharp framework**Currently, the IT industry is moving towards Micro Service based architecture. And it is very important to understand what are RESTful API and Web services. This course is all about that. The Course is divided into 3 sectionsIn the 1st section, I will have a detailed discussion about the RESTful API and WebservicesIn the 2nd section, I will discuss the HTTP Client library and how to use them for testing RESTful APIIn the 3rd section, I will discuss the RestSharp framework and how to use it for API testingI will also discuss synchronous and asynchronous execution. And how to run the test in parallelIn this course, I will also discuss some real-time APIs of the application. Such a Drop Box and JIRAWhile going through this course, I will also develop a framework for testing. The source code of the framework will be provided for downloadUnit Testing Framework MSTestMSTest FrameworkHTTP Client for API TestingGET RequestAssertion and ValidationPOST RequestPUT RequestDELETE RequestAuthenticationSynchronous and Asynchronous ExecutionSynchronous and Asynchronous Execution - IntroductionSynchronous Execution's of TestAsynchronous Execution of TestAsynchronous Execution of Test - Failed ScenarioRedefining HelperClass with Async & Await ImplementationAsynchronous Execution with Task FactoryFetch the returned value from asynchronous taskParallel execution with RunSettings FileRestSharp FrameworkGET RequestFramework Design & ImplementationPOST RequestPUT RequestDelete RequestAuthenticationToken Based Authentication - DropBox APISession Based Authentication - JIRA API

