Developing Generative AI Apps
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In this course, we will build five projects using LangChain and OpenAI1. AutoGPT - An Autonomous AI assistant that can do multiple tasks to achieve a goal eg: if you tell it to generate the weather report it would google the weather and generate a report in natural language and save it to a file.2. Two-Player Dungeons and Dragons - In this game, we will see how to create agents and simulate them, we will also learn to work with memory and see a basic example of agent assignment with Harry Potter and Dumbledore.3. SalesGPT - We will create a 7-stage sales process-based ChatBot for a mattress company. It would employ an analyser that would give the stage of the customer based on the conversation and generate a reply according to the stage.4. Question Answering over Docs - We will develop a question-answering bot over documents and learn about vector databases and how to augment data with large language models5. ChatGPT - In this section, we will build a ChatGPT clone with Prompt Templates, Memory, and other LangChain components. You do not need any coding experience though knowing how to code in Python is a plus. In addition, the source code for all the projects is provided in the course.

