No Fear Watercolor Landscapes
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Welcome to No Fear Watercolor Landscapes - It's Time To Break Away From Tight, Rigid ArtWhat we will cover? In this class we will explore loose watercolor painting techniques that begin with good design, composition, value structure and color choices. To paint loose you need to have some good bones underneath the chaos. Without them you will probably find yourself painting in circles. Watercolor isn't a medium where you will be given too many second chances. So, having your ducks in a row is crucial to the success of the painting. We will cover some basic design, composition, value and color ideas that I use all the time that help me simplify the scene. Once I have it decluttered I can get to work. But know that the structure is there before paint hits the paper. Basic design & composition - Before each demo is painted I will share a design, composition and value hierarchy breakdown. Plus what inspired me to paint the piece in the first place. Brushwork tips - I've included a video about brushwork and how to use various edges to created a variety within a strokeColor and values - I'll also share some thoughts about value and color. And why I don't stress with color matching but instead focus on values. In the end values trump color in my humble opinionMuch more - each demo is un-cut, narrated and loaded with tips for painting and thinking loosely. I know when you are finished you will have tons of inspiration and new ideas for creating your next masterpiece. Who is this class for? It's intended for experienced artists that want to paint more expressive artwork and/or break away from rigid techniques.

