Certified Net Zero Leader for Financial Analyst (CNZLFA)
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In the face of escalating climate change impacts, financial institutions are playing a critical role in driving the transition towards a sustainable future. This comprehensive Udemy course, Certified Net Zero Leader for Financial Analyst (CNZLFA) equips professionals in the financial sector with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of science-based targets (SBTs) and take impactful action. Throughout this course, participants will delve into nine essential topics, each designed to provide a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in implementing SBTs. The course begins by building the case for change, highlighting the urgency and importance of addressing climate change within the financial industry. Participants will explore the voluntary finance climate action ecosystem, discovering collaborative approaches and frameworks that enhance sustainability efforts. Moving forward, the course delves into the development of SBTs, encompassing an overview and practical guidance on developing Scope 1, 2, and 3 operational emissions targets. The intricacies of Scope 3 financed emissions are then explored, including calculations deep dives with compelling case studies. Participants will learn to navigate the complexities of data considerations and trade-offs associated with Scope 3 financed emissions, enabling them to make informed decisions and drive meaningful change. The course also covers vital aspects of validating, disclosing, and recalculating targets, ensuring transparency and accountability. Lastly, participants will gain insights into the crucial role of governance, change management, and meeting targets within financial institutions. By the end of this course, participants will have the expertise to drive sustainability strategies and effectively implement SBTs within their organizations. With the knowledge gained, financial professionals can make a tangible impact on the fight against climate change, ensuring a sustainable and resilient future for generations to come. Course covers following modules1. Case for Change2. Voluntary Finance Climate Action Ecosystem3. Developing SBT's Overview4. Developing Scope 1, 2 & 3 of Operational Emissions5. Scope 3 Financed emissions-Overview6. Scope 3 Financed emissions-Calculations deep dive with case studies7. Scope 3 Financed emissions- Data Considerations and Trade offs8. Validating, Disclosing and Recalculating9. Governance, Change Management and Meeting Targets.

