Orthodontic Treatment Planning for dental professionals


This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Aims of orthodontic treatment, Space creation methods, Step by step treatment plan, Timing of treatment depending on the malocclusion, Cervical vertebral maturation method, Limiting factors of orthodontic treatment and Soft tissue limitations.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:1. Aims of treatment1.1 Facial aims1.2 Occlusal aims1.3 Need for treatmentPlanning to achieve the facial aims of treatment1.Position the upper incisors in the anteroposterior plane2. Position of the upper incisors in the vertical plane3. Lower incisor positionPlanning to achieve occlusal aims of treatment1. Space creation1.1 Extraction or expansion?1.2 Guidelines for extraction1.3 Transverse arch expansion1.4 Anteroposterior arch lengthening1.5 Reduction of tooth width2. Step by step treatment plan2.1 Planning treatment for moderate problems2.2 Planning comprehensive orthodontic treatment2.3 Camouflage treatment3. Choice of appliance4. Limiting factors of orthodontic treatment4.1. Envelop of discrepancy - range of tooth movements.4.2 Soft tissue limitations5. Timing of treatment depending on the malocclusion5.1 Cervical vertebral maturation method



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