7 Real Estate Contracts To Flip, Rent & Wholesale Houses
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If you'd like to buy, sell, flip, rent, or wholesale houses then I've got the contract package you need! This course not only offers a complete set of 7 Real Estate investing contracts to download, but it also provides you with detailed walkthroughs of each contract, line by line, so that you gain a deep understanding of how each contract works! You'll download these 7 contracts learn how to use each one with detailed explanations: Purchase & Sale AgreementSell-Side Purchase & Sale AgreementAssignment of ContractMaster Lease AgreementInvoiceOption ContractAmendmentAll combined, this 7 contract package provides the Real Estate investor with the following abilities: Buy Real EstateSell Real EstateAssign contracts to other investorsRent houses to tenantsBill contractors, service providers, or birddogsReceive fees in exchange for servicesEstablish equitable interest without commitmentMake changes to an active Purchase & Sale AgreementThis contract package is the result of over 10 years of active use, continual development, and fine tuning. I've spent well over $10,000 in legal advice just to ensure that this contract package is as effective and efficient as it possibly can be while also doing an exceptional job at protecting the investor from liability. One of the best things about this contract package is the simple fact that they are PROVEN. This isn't just some random set of generic paperwork that was pulled from the internet. I've personally used these contracts to buy, sell, rent, flip and wholesale over 300 houses thus far! Now, I understand that even though I consider my contracts to be perfect, there may still be reasons you'd like to modify them to suit your own needs - and that's just fine! We'll go through the complete process of personalizing the contracts to suit your needs by using the special editable files that I've included along with the PDF copies! I'll show you how to make edits, save, export, and even how to E-SIGN the contracts so that you are ready for anything. I've got you covered! So for the paltry sum that you'll pay for this course I can see no valid reason why you should pass up this opportunity. Where else can you get a complete set of PROVEN, EFFECTIVE, COMPREHENSIVE contracts for such a meager investment?Absolutely nowhere! So enroll in the course, download all 7 contracts, and learn how to use them effectively in your Real Estate business. I'll see you inside.-Ben

