Cloud Computing with AWS Amazon Web Services
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In this course, we would explore Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. Learn all the available services under catalog, and what we can do with each service provided with platform and Infrastructure categories. AWS is currently the market leader with its wide range of cloud services spanning in almost each domain of Information technology, be it Database or Analytics, Cyber security or Game development. You can do almost anything related to technology with cloud computing. It allows you to easily scale your resources when there is a sudden surge in traffic or demand, in manner that you don't need to provision everything manually keeping costs as low as possible. AWS can save a lot of time when you are building some solutions, or running an existing project. This course covers wide range of AWS services, and you will be learning each of them one by one. S3, Glacier, EBS, EFS, Storage Gateway (Cloud Storage)EC2, Beanstalk, Lambda, Container, Lightsail, VPC (Compute)DynamoDB, Elasticache, RDS, Redshift (Cloud Database)Kinesis, EMR (Cloud Analytics)Mobile Hub, AppSync, DeviceFarm, Pinpoint (Mobile)IAM, Cognito, CloudWatch (Access Management)Gamelift, SumerianAmazon MQ, SNS, SQS, SWS and Step FunctionsMigration Hub, SnowballArtifact, Cloud HSM, Directory Service, Guard duty, Inspector, WAF and Shield, Single sign on, etcWe will be learning each of them in some depth building practical demonstration, and certain projects on topics like Lambda, IAM, API Gateway, etc. At later parts we would develop and deploy our test applications on AWS.

