Blockchain Fundamental 1
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BlockchainThe primary purpose of this formation is to teach you about the principles of blockchain and why they are important for your company or organisation. Who is this course designed for?It is designed for everyone because In this course, we will begin by discussing blockchain in non-technical terms. Any prior understanding or expertise with blockchain is not required. We'll cover a variety of modules and subjects in this programme, so you'll learn everything you need to know. In this course you will learn:* What is Blockchain* Benefits of Blockchain* Types of Blockchain* Blockchain Architecture* Blockchain Vs Cryptocurrency* Cryptographic Algorithm* Wallet Address and Public, Private Key* Transaction execution and flowWhy should you learn BLOCKCHAIN?Unless you've been living under a rock, blockchain is everywhere. It's one of those buzzwords that everyone is talking about, but few people understand what it means. As a result, there are nearly as many internet searches for blockchain as there are for online Optimum bundles and deals. Blockchain, like the latter, is something that everyone can profit from. As a result, learning the fundamentals is a smart idea. There are also a couple of factors that make blockchain great for learning:1. Wide Career options - While blockchain technology is still relatively young, it has quickly become a popular job choice. As a result, adding it to your skill set will provide you with a wave of different opportunities.2. Efficient Governance system - Blockchain has recently been a popular alternative for governance systems. No one can meddle with blockchain technology since it is transparent.3. Protection of digital identity - Everyone has a digital existence in this day and age. As a result, your digital identity is just as important as your physical one. Online is the way to go for everything from banking to schooling. As a result, having safe online profiles is critical.4. Smart investments - Cryptocurrency is more popular than ever in 2021. Many comparable currencies have emerged since the debut of Bitcoin a decade ago. Because bitcoin relies on blockchain, understanding blockchain will aid your investment in the cryptocurrency market.5. Gateway to the future - We may simply claim that blockchain is only the beginning at this stage. You must stay up with the rapid advancements in current technologies. The first section begins with the fundamentals, leading you step-by-step through various blockchain issues and empowering you to grasp blockchain technology so that you may benefit from it.

