User Interviewing Basic Essentials
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In this class, you will be learning the essential basis of conducting a User Interview. We be covering: Recruiting ParticipantsHow to ask Questionswhat to avoid in an interviewTips and Tricks in a ConversationQuestions samplesA Simple Project for you to test out what you learn hereLook up these apps on google play or the App storeClubhouseInstagramFitonUberOr any other application you use on day to day basis. Look at their features and select something that you wish to explore. Could be something you like, hate or simply think it can be improved. Create questions based on that and try to recruit 2 or 3 of your friends to and genuinely try to interview them for 5 to 10 minutes and record those interviews. If you seek to push this even further, contact online communities and attempt the same thing. Should the Interviewees Consent, you can either upload the recording of the interview (audio or video) or you can submit the transcript of the talk along with the full description of the issue you have based it on and the questions you seek to ask. And lastly. Remember to enjoy the process and allow yourself to make mistakes. By not doing anything, you will not know which area you need to improve, so learn and try out what you can. Enjoy

