Statistics: Central Limit Theorem and Hypothesis Testing
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This course is the key to build an excellent understanding of Inferential Statistics. It has students (from over 100 countries) and here is what some of them have to say: Well explained sir, every concept is clear as water and the way you explain is very easy to understand the concept. Worth buying this course ~ K RoshnishreeThe explanations are quite intuitive and the best part is that the course includes practice problems which helps in building the concepts ~ Swati SahuThe detail level coverage of the basic topics is amazing  ~ Rehana ShakeThis instructor is doing a fine job explaining the statistics concepts  ~ Frank HerreraVery clear examples, thank you sir!  ~ Gitartha PathakCourse Description: This course is designed for students who are struggling with Statistics or who are complete beginners in statistics. How is this course structured? Section 1 and 2: These 2 sections cover the concepts that are crucial to understand the basics of hypothesis testing - Normal Distribution, Standard Normal Distribution,  Sampling, Sampling Distribution and Central Limit Theorem. (Before you start hypothesis testing, make sure you are absolutely clear with these concepts)Section 3: This section caters to the basics of hypothesis testing with three methods - Critical Value Method, Z-Score Method and p-value method. My approach is hands on:  Concepts, examples and solved problems addressing all the concepts covered in the lectures. Note: Only Hypothesis Testing in Case of Single Population Mean is covered

