Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from scratch
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This  introductory course to  HTML , CSS and JavaScript is  vital for anyone who wants to become a web developer.. These three technologies are skills every web developer must learn and have. HTML: Used to create  content CSS: Used to present the contentJavaScript: Used to create interactionThey are the building blocks of all websites and web based projects. This course will teach you the basics of these three technologies by creating a basic one page website and 7 other projects. What You will learn  include: Introduction to basic HTMLCreating a very basic websitePlanning a basic websiteAssembling files and foldersWhat is HTMLHTML document structureAnatomy of HTML elementMarking up textLinksUsing commentsHTML AttributesIntroduction to  basic CSSWhat is CSSWays to apply CSSCSS RulesetCSS basic selectorsStyling multiple elementsCSS Box modelUsing margin and padding propertiesChanging background colorCSS Display propertyCSS Font propertyUsing google fontsIntroduction to basic JavaScriptWhat is JavaScriptWhere to place JavaScriptVariablesData TypesOperatorsOperator precedenceUsing ConditionalsFunctionsEventsUsing Linting toolsAdding image changerAdding personalized messageProjects we will create: TodoListCalculatorInteractive quiz Image sliderCountdown timerWeight converter toolLoan calculator

