Launch Your Website With GitHub Pages
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Are you looking for an easy way to launch your website? Or are you looking for a way to share your coding projects? In this class you will launch a new website using GitHub Pages. GitHub Pages is a free service and there are no servers, no configs, and no payments (it's totally free!) With this course you can launch your HTML, CSS and JavaScript website on the internet for free and in less than an hour! To really build your skills you will learn by doing. You will create a public repository on GitHub where you can share your code. And if you set it up right, GitHub will create a website for you and make it accessible to the internet. You can use Windows, Mac or Linux in this course, too. It's all covered and supported! Together we'll get started with Git (beginner friendly) and we'll create a new GitHub account and repository. If you don't want to learn how to use Git, that's OK, because I'll show you how to edit files directly on GitHub as well. Then we'll add files to our GitHub repository and deploy it to the internet. And just like that. you have a website that friends, family, and future employers can look it. As always, and with all my other courses, I am here to support you. If you get stuck or have questions I am 100% here to help you throughout this entire class. Let's get started right away!

