Agile Practitioner: Earn Six figure salaries as Agile PM
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By the end of this course you'll have everything you need to successfully set up, execute, and deliver your own Agile project. Course OutlineAgile In a Nutshell· What Agile is, how it works, and how to choose the right Agile method for you. Agile Teams· What makes the Agile team tick. Characteristics of good Agile teams. And how to find quality players. User Stories· In this session we break down what user stories are, how they work, what effective user stories look like for your project, and how to host great story gathering work shops. EstimationBy learning how to estimate the Agile way, you'll stop trying to get something your up-front estimates can't give (precision and accuracy) and instead focus on what really matters-building a plan you. EngineeringAgile doesn't work on planning alone. That would be wishful thinking. Only by apply these core software engineering practices can you reduce the time it takes to test, ensure you always have a good design, and confidently make necessary changes with speed. Unit Testing - Automated tests proving your software worksRefactoring - Paying down technical debt, while continuously improving your designTest-Driven Development - Write the tests first to help improve your designContinuous Integration - Maintaining a culture of production readiness, and deploying at a moments noticeIntended AudienceThis is an introductory level course on Agile software delivery. Course RequirementsNo previous experience with Agile expected or necessary. Instructional LevelAll Levels

