Self-Critiquing Product Design Master Class TM
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About the Master Class: This course covers a different aspect of product design which is a product critiquing its own drawbacks, it is a stretch of creativity for designers to learn this kind of topic. Also the design process is being taught in this shortest project, but still you can understand the full aspect of what it takes to design a self critiquing product design. Unlike product design this course differs largely in terms of applying out creativity in a reverse direction how to make the people not use the product that is what makes this course very interesting as well. This is going to be one of the highest skills that people are going to look for in the coming decade for the new aspect or new era of product design. Benefits of the Master Class: First the very basic understanding would be the design process irrespective of any kind of a project design process is clearly thought of, let's say problem finding, brainstorming, Ideation, conceptualisation, 3-D modelling, rendering andpresentation. Complex systemic level problems have been taken as problems and then brainstormed on top of it to identify one problem that will be suitable for our context, timeline and resources considered. Also this differs largely from the conventional product design because here we are designing products that should not be used and designing in such a way that the product critiques its own feature and tells its drawback. This is about thinking about your creativity and applying it for rewards of product design which is sometimes useful and necessary for solving a very big problem. Getting into directly finding ideas from the whole collective ideation of what we made. Also the thinking and ideation gone behind in this bottle design particularly illustrates how it's used and people when they are using it get an inconvenience that is the main communication through form and through the function of this design. How to work with the team in collaboration when this kind of a different approach is being given to us and get it of the maximum benefit, also watching other teammates and getting inspired from how that understanding could shape our projects and insights.

