Viennoiserie, Danish Pastries & Enriched Doughs For Beginner
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The aim of this course is simply to get you hooked on baking, i'm not going to delve into the chemistry of baking, analyse the properties of different flours, list masses of baking equipment or baffle you with complex techniques. I look at it this way: do you need to know how a carburettor works to learn how to drive a car? No. Well nor do you need to immerse yourself in science to bake a wealth of wonderful cakes and bread. All the baked goods in this course are ones that i bake at home for my family and friends in my standard domestic oven, with my 3 kids distracting me as much as they can. I teach them to the people who comes to my baking classes in my bakery and i love the moment when the baking is finished and we all sit down with the baked goods we have made, some good cheese and a glass of wine or beer, and relax and enjoy the sense of achievement.

