Qigong Foundational Course
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Welcome to Qi Yoga Life's Qigong Foundational Course: Trial Package. This Course is a rare opportunity for seekers to begin their journey and connect to a Living Tradition with an authentic lineage passed down from Master to Student for centuries, from generation to generation in China. In this course, you will enter the first 2 weeks of our 6 weeks Qigong Foundational Certification Course. Here, you will be introduced to the most effective Medical Qigong, our tradition begins with the 6 fundamental Zhan Zhuang Positions, the Wuji position + 5 elements, the first 4 Ba Duan Jin movements, and the Qigong theory rooted in Classical Chinese medicine. All of these work to heal, strengthen and balance the internal organs, the mind, and the physical body. (*note that these are what is included in the Full 6 weeks, and this course is the first two weeks, which means you will learn some of the mentioned above)Zhan Zhuang is the oldest and most effective form of qigong. It allows the practitioner's Qi to flow through the blockages, clearing stagnations and at the same time strengthening the internal and external body. Ba Duan Jin (The Eight Brocade) is a form of medical qigong meant to improve health. These eight silken movements help tone up your internal organs and create suppleness and strength in the body. Your personal connection with this living tradition is of utmost importance which is why upon completion of this course, you may decide to complete the full 6 weeks, finish your exam and receive your certification. Completing the full 6 weeks course gives you the tools and knowledge to practice independently for the rest of your life which will bring you immense health benefits when practiced with dedication. Completing the 6 weeks full course will also give you the opportunity to become an Inner Circle member to deepen your practice for personal development or aiming to become an Authorized teacher. Our aim is to build and gradually enhance your practice with each weekly lesson. We strongly recommend dedicating a full week to practicing the lessons from Module 1 daily before moving on to Module 2. Whether you want to release stress, pent-up emotions and trauma, heal illnesses, cultivate your internal power for athletic performance or deepen your meditation practice, this qigong system allows the practitioner to explore their maximum potential. Wishing you abundant Qi and continued growth on your Qigong journey!

