Introduction To Website Development Technologies
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Why Learn HTML and CSS?HTML is the foundation of all web pages. Without HTML, you couldn't organize text or add images or videos to your web pages. HTML is the beginning of everything you need to know to create engaging web pages! CSS Works in tandem with HTML to ensure that your content looks good. Using these two, you are in complete control of what your web pages look like. Why Learn JavaScript?HTML and CSS are static. JavaScript allows you to manipulate them while your webpage has already loaded. Imagine having an interactive document reading when their content can morph based on your actions... while you're reading it! That is what JavaScript brings to the table. Take-Away SkillsLearn how to build a website using HTML, CSS, and Visual Studio Code. By the end of this course, you will have learned: How to create HTML DocumentsHow to link HTML Documents and create a websiteHow to insert elements in an HTML document (images, lists, tables, text, etc.)How to style one or more pages with CSS (Inline, Internal and External Style sheets)How to upload code to GitHub. How to publish your static website to the internet using Netlify. How to design a form to collect data. How to write JavaScript and jQueryHow to use Bootstrap 5Content and OverviewYou don't need to know any programming language to take this course. The content of this course assumes no prior knowledge of programming or web development. It will teach you how to set up an environment to develop a website from scratch and deploy it on the internet for the world to see. This is a short course with just over 4 hours of content but smartly broken up to highlight related activities based on each module in the application being built. We will also look at troubleshooting and debugging errors as we go along, implementing best practices, writing efficient logic, and understanding why developers do things the way they do. Your knowledge will grow, step by step, throughout the course, and you will be challenged to be the best you can be. By the time you have finished the course, you will have moved around in Visual Studio Code and examined errors so much that it will be second nature for you when working in the Web development environment. This will put your newly learned skills into practical use and impress your boss and coworkers. The course is complete with working files hosted on GitHub, including some files to make it easier for you to replicate the demonstrated code. You will be able to work alongside the author as you work through each lecture and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.

