Convert Websites HTML to PHP in 45 Minutes
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This crash course is designed for web designers who want to transform their websites from HTML to PHP in less time but don't know how to do it?In this crash course, you will practically convert a single page website and multiple pages website from HTML to PHP and this will give you massive practical experience. You will also learn how you can change multiple files at once without manually editing them one by one. If you have been creating static websites for a long time and have any fear of PHP then today, you will get rid of your fear in just 40 minutes after finishing up this crash course. This is what you will be doing today: Install and Configure PHP Web ServerConvert Single Page Static WebsiteConvert Multiple Pages Static WebsiteSetup Automatically Changeable YearDisplay IP Address of UserCreate Standard TemplateCreate Reusable FilesDynamically Highlight Menu on Current Active PageUse Basic PHPSend Email with Contact FormLearn by observation and repeat the process together with your instructor who will also explain you steps during conversion of pages from HTML to PHP so you can easily follow up, step by step. Buy NowUpdates: July 23, 2019: Added new lesson 'How to Get Your Certificate'Aug 9, 2018 - Added new section in both single and multiple pages websites, for sending email with php and contact form. July 2018: Added new lessons 'Setup One Page Website' and 'Setup Multi Page Website'

