Trailer Loading Your Horse
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You think you plan plenty of time to get your horse to the vet and yet, you are late because your horse will not load. You intend to ride, but by the time your horse is loaded in the trailer you do not have time. You had a great ride but your horse will not load back into the trailer.   You are at the mercy of the situation when your horse will not load and always have to resort to gimics likes treats in the trailer or loading with another horse. You feel frustrated, inadequate, and unsure of what to do when when your horse has trouble trailer loading. You are a horse owner or trainer and lifetime student of the horse and learn from watching other trainers work. You simply want to learn more about horses. If you can relate to any of these scenarios, this course is for you.  The step by step process taught in this course will give you the confidence and ability to work through trailer loading issues. 

