Discover your feminine energy
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Heal and discover your divine feminine who was hiding for a long time because of the traumas , experience of danger and lack of respect  and self love. Your'll learn to to understand your own traumas , distructive program , and defending mechanisms. You'll understand why was attracting toxic relationshipsYou'll meet with your inner child that will help you to build a strong connection of self acceptance and love Living in the world full of divine masculine it's hard and somehow exhausting , with time we was forgetting about our own power , the power of transformation , reborn and change, innocence , unconditional love. It's important for us woman , to know our power , to know that we all are unique and special. We are having a special talent that we forgot with time -power of healing This can change the world day by day with love , empathy and compassion To embrace your divine goddess , we need first of all to meet with our true whole self , to know who are we and what we can do for ourselfAs a long time we use to sacrifice for the good of somebody else , now we need to sacrifice for the good of our self , sacrifice the people that are hurting us, sacrifice the job that we are not receiving pleasure from and sacrifice all the negative emotions that is hurting our body mind and soul

