IELTS Listening Test: Getting an 8+ Band Score
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All you need to know for getting an 8, 8.5, or 9, in the IELTS listening test, is provided for you in this video course. Everything you need to know regarding:- improving your listening skill.- test-taking strategies.- time management.- helpful exercises and practicing guidelines.- useful references. and literally, all other details that you need to know, are provided in this course. This course consists of multiple video lectures divided into eight sections. In section 2, we begin with time management. Managing your time efficiently is essential to getting a very high score on the IELTS Listening test. In this section, you will learn helpful points regarding time management and test format. You will also become familiar with the most common mistakes, and some valuable tips. Section 3 will introduce you to the various question types in the IELTS listening test. In this section, you will understand the importance of learning the best strategies to approach each question type, and you will learn the suggested test-taking strategies for one of them. Form-filling questions. We will focus on an example to understand the mentioned strategies. Section 4 will teach you two essential skills in the IELTS listening test: identifying paraphrasing, and identifying distractors. This section is critical because we will repeatedly discuss these two concepts in the upcoming sections and videos. In section 5, we will discuss a more challenging question type. Multiple-choice questions. And we will learn multiple strategies to approach this question type. We will consider an example to understand these strategies better. In section 6, all other question types in the IELTS listening test will be discussed. We will talk about all the details and strategies you need to learn and practice for the IELTS listening test. We will answer a wide range of questions selected from Cambridge IELTS books and analyze them. Section 7 will introduce you to the suggested exercises and references, and section 8, is focused on final points. Please note that the first step for you is to watch the video lectures and learn the details and key strategies one by one. The second step, which I believe is even more important, is to practice constantly.

