Direction Neutral Option Trading Strategies
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Direction neutral strategies have two major variations. Market movement can be very sharp on either side or market may remain range-bound. It is useful to learn various strategies which are neutral in nature so that the right option strategy can be deployed when opportunity arises. In this course I will explain various neutral strategies which are available in options trading and how they can be categorized as strategies for range-bound markets (or) strategies for sharp move strategies. I will explain Five (5) strategies for each of the categories. As these strategies are vastly different it is important to learn each strategy in greater detail. I will first start with the following neutral strategies for sharp moves. Neutral strategies for sharp moves:· Long straddle· Long strangle· Short butterfly· Short broken wing butterfly· Back ratio spreadFor each of the above strategy we will learn key features like basic construct of the strategy, key metrics like risk, reward, break even points, profitable and loss scenarios. I will also show the outcome of these position with real market data. Other key aspects like what is the margin requirement for each of these strategies also covered in the course. After that we will get into the other set of strategies i. e., Neutral strategies for range-bound markets. Neutral strategies for range-bound markets.· Short straddle· Short strangle· Iron fly· Iron condor· Front ratio spreadAnybody who is interested in learning neutral strategies for range-bound market conditions (or) markets in which massive sharp moves are expected, can enroll for this course. Anybody who has the basic knowledge of options can learn these strategies.

