Embedded Linux Full Course ( 2 embedded linux application)
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welcome to Embedded Linux Full Course, my goal is to lead you complete into the field of linux embedded development. after you take all my series of courses, you will become a qualified embedded software engineer, at least be able to do small embedded software , and apply the knowledge which you have learned to either work/hobbies/projects/interviews.( 1 ubuntu dev environment)( 2 embedded linux application programming)*( 3 ARM (IMX6U) bare metal programming)( 4 embedded linux kernel driver programming)( 5 uboot )( 6 porting system and rootfs )(2 embedded linux application) this course will cover basic how to do the C application program in linux (ubuntu). You will learn many system calls and library calls etc, I show how to use those function call to program example with fun. the challenge also is my request to you , copy what I do in the video, see if you could get the same results. I don't have funny english words, its very direct in every video, specially, I always direct go to live coding to show you, the point is persist in practicing on programming, make your self more strong. I hope you all enjoy the instruction. I would very much appreciate any feedback you may have or suggestions on topics for further content. The best way to help me is to leave a review and share the class link with your friends. Q & A: Your feedback is always welcome! Once you register my class, you will see each source code file attached. You can also send me messages via Udemy. let me know your thoughts or raise any questions on the material. Happy to meet you guys.

