Practical Course on Tourism Carrying Capacity
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Tourism planning and management of a destination or attraction would usually involve the determination of carrying capacity. This planning component becomes more important in areas that have natural features and communities that may be impacted by unmanageable number of visitors that can become uncontrollable. This situation often leads to the degradation of the quality of the destination. This course provides an opportunity for the students to fully understand the concept and importance of carrying capacity with practical examples. Much of the discussions will be based on the field experiences of the instructor. Very little literary references will be attributed for topic sources as this may serve as a practical application of the formulation of carrying capacity as part of the management tool of a destination or attraction. Initial sections will deal with understanding the concept and general framework of carrying capacity for the students to fully appreciate how it can be applied in real destinations or their areas of interest. A good amount of time is also allocated for the topic of Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC), another tourism site management tool, which can be applied, alongside with carrying capacity, for destinations or attractions requiring effective visitor management and minimization/prevention of environmental or social impacts. At the end of the course, an exercise on the determination of the carrying capacity will be provided so they can learn to practice formulating the carrying capacity of their area of interest. With still few people able to formulate carrying capacities because it is deemed as too technical, this course will help the students how they can come up with at least a working number, and they should be able to improve their skill through repeated exercise and application of components included in the course.

