Web Developer 101-Use Web Servers to Build Sites on your PC
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Hello: This class will cover a variety of ways to install and setup web servers on your pc so you can start making websites that can be locally viewed and tested. The ways covered will include:• Installing an Apache Web Server on the Ubuntu version of the Linux operating system (many custom configurations to the server will also be covered)• Installing an Apache Web Server included with XAMPP on a Linux operating system (custom configurations to the server will also be covered)• Installing a Microsoft IIS Web Server on a Windows operating system (many custom configurations to the server will also be covered)• Installing an Apache Web Server included with XAMPP on Windows (refer to the Apache Server videos on Linux for custom configurations)After each server installation, I will detail how you can configure websites on each web server with things like password protection, virtual directories, url redirects, reverse proxies, and more. Additionally, I will cover how to:• Install website builders such as Wordpress, Drupal and Joomla on both the Apache and Microsoft IIS Servers• Set up the ASP. NET core and NodeJS web development scripting frameworks on a Microsoft IIS Server• Publish your websites when they are ready to be hosted the World Wide Web using affordable Hosting options such as Bluehost, CPanel, and Github (free).• Use a paid web domain from GoDaddy for a website hosted on Github Pages• Upload your local website files to your hosting provider using FileZilla and CPanel's File ManagerThe course will also have several downloadable resources and a lengthy quiz at the end. I look forward to seeing you in the course.-Brandon

