Lambda Expressions in Java
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Take this course and learn how to define and how to use lambda expressions in Java. Acquire an in-depth understanding based on your in-depth understanding of nested classes. Improve your Java programming skills and take them to the next level. Learn about the various functional interfaces that already exist and about using them together with lambda expressions. Learn and Master Lambda Expressions in Java! Learn how to create simple Lambda Expressions, and learn about the equivalent syntax when using anonymous nested class instead. Learn how to create a lambda expression that represents a specific static class in a specific class. Learn how to create a lambda expression that represents a specific instance method to be invoked on a specific object, and learn about the equivalent syntax when using an anonymous nested class instead. Learn how to create a lambda expression that represents a specific instance method without been specific about the object on which it will be invoked. Learn about the equivalent syntax when using an anonymous nested class. Learn how to create a lambda expression that represents a specific default constructor in a specific class and learn about the equivalent syntax when using an anonymous class. Take Your Java Programming Skills to The Next Level! We will learn each and every topic of this course using code samples I code and explain during the course. Make sure you are already well familiar with the Inner Class topic in Java. If you are not familiar with the Inner Class topic I strongly recommend you take my course about Inner Classes in Java.

