Increasing BDD Code Efficiency
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Increasing BDD (Behavior Driven Development) Code Efficiency is all about minimizing your maintenance effort while maximizing stability and ability to expand. Whether you're looking to improve your automation skills, learn some new techniques, or just explore the world of automation; this course is probably for you.In this course I will take test scenarios that are poorly optimized and are bound to spiral into high maintenance to an elegant design with modularity and flexibility as priority.We will walk through each step in how to achieve this; starting with modularity and ending up at the core implementation of code while adding in some nuanced details that are good to know for automation work.At the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of how to simplify code and maximize performance.While this course is designed to show you enhanced techniques for automation and ways to save development time, it is not a guarantee you will be an expert at the end. The techniques are meant to be practiced over and over, building experience and tweaking it to your own applications. Since you always have the content after purchase of the course, you will be able to come back at a topic if you need a refresher or quick look-up to see if you missed anything.

