Power Pages - Microsoft's Newest CMS - Goodbye WordPress!
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If you are a small to mid-size organization and you are using a Microsoft O365 subscription for all your office products and now require a front facing public access website - then Power Pages is now available for you to use.  Power Pages is a content management system (CMS) that will take your site to the next level and allow integration with Dataverse and other Power Platform products. Current users have been using Power Apps Portals to design their external portals with connections to their Dataverse. Well now Microsoft has made a standalone product using the same design principles and called it Power Pages. Using Bootstrap elements will give it a familiarity for those whom already have used various other CMS platforms but Power Pages comes with tight Microsoft security and integration with it's Power Platform suite of products. If you have used current CMS products like WordPress or Joomla, you will soon realize that the cost of hosting your site, having it built for you and purchasing all the add-ons to get it to do what you want soon becomes costly.  With Power Pages you can get all the same capabilities as those other CMS products and get full integration with your data in Dataverse or even just full integration with Power Apps forms and Power BI Reports and Dashboards. Power Pages is a low-code or no-code product for those who just want to get a site developed and available to your clients or if you are a coder there is access to visual studio so you can add your own code to really take your site to the next level. This course will not only teach you all the workspaces and environments that you will be working it, but we will build an actual site, page by page, add all the components you need, connect to the Dataverse and get it ready for production so you have a fully operational site ready at the end of this course. Your InstructorRobin Solonenko

