Learn Excel (basic, formulas and charts corporate work)
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In this Microsoft Excel training, you will learn how to navigate and manipulate worksheets and workbooks. With formulas, functions, and names. Design a pivot table with charts, slicers, and filters.Formulas will start from basic functions as count till nesting formulas as an index. At the end of the training each attendee will understand the importance of excel and why it's the most used tool in the accounting and how to use it.Improved data management using Excel. Excel makes it possible to efficiently store and manage large sets of data so you can track, sort, and filter to find just the information you need at any time. Excel, like other spreadsheets, uses a grid-based structure to hold data within cells. You can use the data to create tables and categorize information within rows or columns, making it easier to maintain and update. Whether managing a list of names and addresses an inventory of products and parts, or tracking who is working on which parts of a project, Excel helps to organize your informationPerform better data analysis with Excel. With built-in formulas, functions, and pivot tables, Excel makes it possible to perform calculations and gain insights from data that has been well organized.

