Microsoft MCSA 70-761 for SQL server Practice Test
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The Microsoft certification exam 70-761, which was previously available for SQL querying and database development, has been officially retired. This means that the exam is no longer being offered or recognized as a certification by Microsoft. However, the retirement of the exam doesn't diminish the value of the SQL skills and knowledge it covered. You can still leverage the concepts and techniques taught in the exam to further enhance your SQL proficiency. Practicing your SQL skills independently, through hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios, will allow you to strengthen your abilities and stay up-to-date with industry best practices. Remember, continuous learning and practical application are key to mastering SQL and keeping your skills relevant in the ever-evolving field of database development. Update Alert3 Dec 2020Re-Written Practice test- 1 with improved English. Microsoft MCSA  70-761 for SQL server Practice Test MCSA 70-761 practice testThis course contain 3 Practice test for Microsoft Certification  exam 70-761 for SQL server 2016. It cover 100% of Microsoft certification syllabus. You can find questions more on practical side, they will help you to solve your real time problems. TopicsTransactions JSONXMLError HandlingAggregate function Store procedure Comman Table Expression, ViewsUser defined functionsBasic Sql statementsDMLDDL

