Wonderful Sanskrit Chantings of Shiva Mantras & 4 Gayatris
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Everyone desires to have a healthy body and mind, to remain calm and happy and to experience the inner peace. But today all this looks like beyond our reach. Today almost everyone of us is suffering from some or other form of illness, sadness, helplessness, despair and self-doubt. Today life seems to be anti-life. Don't worry. Our forefathers had researched a lot in these matters and fortunately we have inherited a great treasure of the sacred literature, epics, shastras, mantras etc. 'Sanskrit Mantras for Health, Wealth & Mental Peace' will teach you some of the best mantras and stotras for your well-being. If you are suffering from a disease, If you feel defeated in the battle of life, If you find yourself overwhelmed by the circumstances, If you count yourself helpless, Then it is here that all of your problems will be solved in no time. Here are the Gayattris of particular God-heads, like Ganesha, Laxmi devi, Vishnu etc. These mantras have miraculous powers inherent, and have been being regarded panacea for all the problems in life. And the glory of Shivatandavastotram cannot be described in words. Human tongue and pen are not able to sing all its magnificence and significance. The greatest of Shiva's devotees, the demon-king Ravana had composed this sacred stotram to please Mahadeva Shiva. Shivatandavastotram is unique in multiple ways. It is considered the best stotram to please the Lord Shiva. Shiva, hearing this stotram becomes exceedingly delighted and grants everything to the singer.

