Interpersonal Influence Seminar
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This seminar will focus on the critical aspects of interpersonal influence from the framework of personal influence to make a change, enhancing data driven decision making, and result-oriented quality improvement measures. At the end of the Seminar, you will be able to: Conduct a personal leadership, management, and behavior-to-choice inventory. Describe how your personal leadership inventory may used to practically influence human resource management. Critically appraise factors that contribute to the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats to your personal ability to influence change based on data. What I want you to get out of this seminar is not just another class or hum-drum hermeneutics. I want to help you change your life. You are going to have to do some homework on yourself. Think about it, have you taken any inventories that can help you identify your strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats to your ability to influence. What is your leadership style? What is your management style? Are you even a leader or do you just do what you are told because you are invisible in your job?The key takeaway is to know yourself and what you are capable of, then you can alter your choices and ultimately your behavior, so you gain influence.

