Plots+Scenes=Emotional Arc
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All stories need an emotional arc, but such an arc is difficult to develop. Until now. This class will show you how to create an emotional arc for your story.* What if you could use a plot cloud to develop your plot?* What if you could write scenes that keep the readers involved?* What if you could link the plot and scenes to form better reader hooks?Hank Quense is the author of a number of highly regarded novels and often writes and lectures on fiction writing techniques. His non-fiction book Creating Stories has been praised by novices and published authors alike. In this lecture series you'll learn about* Why developing a plot is so difficult* How the concept of a plot cloud can help with the plot development* Why scenes need an emotional change* How to link the scenes and plot events to produce the story's emotional arc. An emotional arc is the result of using plot events to trigger emotional releases in the characters. By linking these releases, the author produces a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs that keeps the readers turning the pages. Get a seat in this class now. Your story needs an emotional arc and this class will show you how to create itEnroll today by clicking on the "Buy Now" button on the top of the page.

