Take Back Control
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Welcome to Take Back Control - a program which helps you put yourself back in the driver's seat of your life by building your sphere of control at work and at home. Whether working for yourself, for someone else or in a large organisation, work can be rewarding - but it can also be really stressful at times. Our sense of control over aspects of our life contributes enormously to how we deal with the stressors of work. To manage our stress and build our resilience, it's important to recognise what is in our control and what is out of our control - and where and how much we can exert our influence. This is your opportunity to take charge! Do you feel there are some areas of work or life where you are not as in control as you would like to be? Do you feel overwhelmed when things spin out of control? Do you sometimes find yourself focusing on things that you have absolutely no control over? Would you like some help setting - and actually achieving your goals? This program is for you if you often feel stressed and anxious at work and are looking for some strategies that you can adopt to reduce your level of stress. You might even find that your stress at or about work is impacting your personal life. If that's the case, now is the time to take action. Brian and Tracey, your instructors on this course, have years of experience in the workplace and understand the unique pressures that you face. They are also behaviour change experts, with a wealth of knowledge and proven strategies to help you take back control for success at work. When we're not in charge of aspects of our life we can feel like we're spiraling out of control, leading to anxiety and a downward cycle of helplessness. Putting ourselves back in the driver's seat of our own life helps us to reduce stress and increase our problem-solving abilities, resulting in an upward cycle of control. At the beginning of this program, we ask you to assess where you are today in terms of your sense of control which will give you clarity on the areas that you most want to work on. We then help you separate the things that you can control, from the things that you can't, and help you develop a plan that focuses on what you can control or influence. We'll also assist you pull everything together by working with you to set some realistic goals and create an achievable plan of attack to reduce stress, stay in control and build resilience. And, at the end of the program, you'll create your own Personal Change Plan to put into practice the strategies covered in this program and learn to permanently take control to succeed at work. What you'll learn:· How to identify what's not in your control to stop wasting time and energy on things that you can't change· How to identify what is within your control.· The ability to focus on the things that will make a real difference in your life· The ability to develop a proactive mindset· How to set the right type of goals that will increase your rate of goal achievement· How to develop an achievable action plan that will help you take control of your life and help you reduce stress and build resilience for work. This course is part of a series of programs designed to help you manage your stress and build your resilience for work. Our goal is to help people get more joy and satisfaction from their work, and we know that one of the factors that can really affect your work experience is the amount of stress you face. These programs are for you if you often feel stressed and anxious at work and are looking for some strategies that you can adopt to reduce your level of stress. You might even find that your stress at or about work is impacting your personal life. If that's the case, now is the time to take action. You may also like to check out the other programs in our series.• "Change Your Thinking" which helps you understand and shape your internal dialogue and thinking patterns to help you better manage yourself and your experience of stress• "Grow Your Connections" is a look at how managing and building your personal and professional networks can act as a stress buffer or support in challenging times• And "Build Your Resilience" gives you some strategies to help you reflect, calm and relax you and build your ability to bounce back when the going gets tough.

