Cybersecurity Lab Environment in EVE NG
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Introduction: This Course will teach you how to set up an environment to practice your Cybersecurity, Ethical Hacking and Pen testing skills such as Launching a cyberattack, verifying vulnerabilities, Conducting research projects and Much more. After this Course I am sure you will never ask someone to provide you EVE NG qcow2 images as you will learn how to convert any type of image to qcow2 with 4 different methods also, you will easily troubleshoot EVE NG errors which you are facing on daily basis. you willdiscover how to add several different target systems from the latest Windows platform to systems that are intentionally vulnerable such as Metasploitable, OWASP, phpAuction, DVWA, Mutillidae etc. Having these targets will allow you to launch attacks, verify vulnerabilities, and conduct research projects without your production environment. Who Should Attend: Anyone who wants to learn cyber security and apply its principles in a risk-free environment should take this course. If you want to master cyber security research and learn hacking tools, then this is a perfect place to start. Attacks: Reconnaissance AttackMAC Flooding AttackPing of Death AttackICMP Flooding AttackSYN Flooding AttackSmurf AttackLAND AttackSlowloris AttackARP Spoofing AttackDHCP Starvation AttackDHCP Spoofing AttackPassword AttackPhishing AttackSQL Injection AttackCommand Execution AttackAttacker Systems: Kali Linux OSParrot OS SetupBackbox SetupVulnerable Web Applications: bWAPP Metasploitable OWASPPHP Auction Site

