Exorcism Masterclass: Angelology
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This course is an introduction to the biblical doctrine of angels and their role in God's plan of redemption. It will explore the origin, nature, classification, and ministry of angels, as well as the reality, activity, and destiny of Satan and demons. It will also examine the various views and controversies regarding angels and demons throughout contemporary culture. This is a beginners course in Exorcism: Masterclass. Angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve Him and His purposes. They are often depicted as messengers, guardians, warriors, or worshipers of God in the Bible. Angels have different ranks and functions, such as archangels, cherubim, seraphim, and others. Angels are involved in God's plan of redemption by announcing the birth of Christ, ministering to Him in His temptation and agony, proclaiming His resurrection, and executing His judgments. Satan and demons are fallen angels who rebelled against God and became His enemies. They are the source of evil, temptation, deception, and oppression in the world. Satan is the leader of the demonic forces and the adversary of God and His people. Demons are his agents who seek to destroy God's work and influence people to sin. Satan and demons have a limited power and a doomed destiny. They will be ultimately defeated by Christ and cast into the lake of fire. Angels and demons are not only biblical realities but also cultural phenomena. They have been portrayed in various ways in literature, art, music, film, and other media. Some of these portrayals are accurate and helpful, while others are misleading and harmful. This course will help you to discern the truth from the error and to appreciate the beauty and mystery of these spiritual beings. This is a beginners course in Exorcism: Masterclass. You will learn how to recognize and resist the influence of Satan and demons, as well as how to cooperate with and benefit from the ministry of angels. You will also gain practical skills and insights for performing exorcisms in a biblical and effective way. This course will equip you to engage in spiritual warfare with confidence and authority.

