Shadow Work Essentials
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Discover the ultimate path to self-love, acceptance and freedom! Self-love and acceptance is really about cultivating compassion for the parts of you that you'd rather not acknowledge. Many of these parts have been suppressed, repressed, ignored or denied throughout your life. What you may not know is that it is these very same parts that are often running and ruining your life. You may have had the experience of wanting something that for some reason you just can't seem to make happen, no matter how hard you try. It is often one of these parts in the shadows of your mind that are to blame. Shadow Work Essentials is a collection of techniques to uncover and heal these parts that have been unintentionally shamed, shunned or exiled into the subconscious mind aka The Shadow. Learn to access and release these inner demons that are the cause of self-sabotage and resistance that is keeping you from the life you most desire. In this course you will learn everything you need to know to get started with Shadow Work. What Shadow Work Is What Trauma is and How We Fragment What Resistance Is and How to Identify It Shadow Work Methods & TechniquesRequired and Recommended Reading List(Cover Photo by Bianca Berg)

