Cucumber BDD With Java, Selenium, Jenkin, GIT, Extent Report
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Do you want to write BDD style automation implementation with Cucumber, Gherkin & Java? You are at right place. We will cover starting from all basic setup and configuration requiredThis course will start from very basic level with no prior experience required and cover End-To-End automation with Jenkins. Cucumber is a Behavior Driven Development framework and will be used along with Gherkin, Selenium, Java, Maven, Ecllipse, GIT, Extent Report. We will see how to write Step definition file, Feature file and different cucumber option to execute it. This course will also cover how you can push your written code to GIT (Version Control System) and use that code in Jenkins (CI) to run your automation and generate report. We will also integrate Extent Report in Jenkins for Advance reporting. Execution of entire cucumber automation tests with Cucumber report and Extent Report integration and generation on local machineExecution of entire cucumber automation tests with Cucumber report and Extent Report integration and generation with Continuous Integration tool i. e. JenkinsBasic understanding of Java or any other OOP language is required to understand the code. 

