Optimizing Walmart Sponsored Search


Walmart is the largest retailer in the world. Its brick and mortar and online presence combine to offer a large assortment of products to millions of people. So how do you get your products to stand out? Without a strategy to get more exposure, your amazing products will never be seen and never unlock its sales potential.To unlock the impressions that your products need, you need to participate in Walmart Sponsored Search. Sponsored Search comprises two paid advertising tactics, Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, that elevates your product's presence on Walmart with the goal of getting more clicks on your product, and if your product is compelling, you'll generate sales.In Optimizing Walmart Sponsored Search, we'll review the ins-and-outs of Walmart Sponsored Search. We'll review what exactly Sponsored Search is, when and how to use it, and tactics to extract the highest Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). I'll walk you through high-level strategy and analysis as well as detailed walkthroughs on how to create a campaign so you can apply your learnings to your own ad strategy.Just like raising a baby, this is not set-it-and-forget-it. You need to nurture your campaigns and learn from your wins and losses. Achieving your product's true sales potential takes many micro adjustments over time. By the end of this book, you should feel confident to create optimized campaigns and implement adjustments to maintain exposure and maximize ROAS. Get ready to optimize for Walmart Sponsored Search.



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