Exception Handling in Python Programming/Script for Projects
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This Exception Handling in Python course is thoroughly detailed, to the point and does not waste any time. It provides numerous quiz questions and exercises with solutions to strengthen your understanding of Exception handling in Python. Exception handling in python code gives your program the ability to handle any failures or problems that occur during execution time. This course will show you how to make your software robust by handling exceptions in Python. In this exception handling in python course we will start from scratch and I will teach you everything you need to know about Exception Handling in Python. This Exception Handling in Python course includes the following-Types of errorsStrategies to deal with exceptionsDefault Exception Handling in pythonBuilt in Exceptions: Python Exceptions Class HierarchyCustom Exception Handling by using try-exceptCatching Multiple exceptionsWhat to do inside an exception handlerfinally blockelse blockHow to get the exception detailsNested tryraise statementReraising the exceptionChaining of exceptionsCustom exceptionsassert statementIntroduction to Context ManagersRuntime ContextExamples of Context ManagersBuilt in Context ManagersNested with statementThis Exception handling in python course will make you fluent in exception handling in Python and you will be able to apply that knowledge in real life projects to create robust software. According to recent surveys, Python is one the most popular programming languages in the world. It is used by tech giants like Google, Amazon, Instagram, Facebook and NASA. Knowledge of Python is an important prerequisite for working in emerging fields such as Data science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

