Hacking and Securing JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
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This course teaches various insecure implementations of Json Web Token (JWT) based REST APIs. This course begins by introducing students to the fundamental Json Web Token concepts. Even though, this is an entry level to intermediate level course, we encourage you to take this course if you already have basic Web Security knowledge as this course is designed to provide knowledge specific to Json Web Tokens and it does not cover the fundamentals of Web Security Testing and REST API Security Testing. Do note that the course involves a lot of JWT fundamental concepts and only the last module covers the practical attacks against JWT. So, please get your expectation right before jumping on the course. Rest Assured, you will feel confident about Json Web Tokens and JWT Security testing after completing this course. As a bonus, a Virtual Machine is provided with all the source code used in the labs. So, you can change the code to have few more vulnerable implementations of JWT. 

