Trigonometry - Machine Shop Maths
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Learn Trigonometry the easy way. In the machine shop, we use trig on a daily basis. There is no way around it, we have to have a good understanding to be able to work in a machine shop. But, mechanical engineering maths lessons are often overcomplicated and confusing. In this course, trigonometry is explained in a very easy-to-understand fashion by a shop floor machinist that trains students in the art of machine shop maths as part of his day-to-day role. This one-hour course will teach you how to work with trigonometry. Each lesson is explained in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. Trig is often hard to understand especially with the wrong teacher. Marc has written and rewritten this course to be easily understood by anyone wishing to learn.  Often, my mechanical engineering apprentices come to me concerned that they don't fully understand the trigonometry lessons they are having at college or uni. I was the same until my training instructor, a journeyman called Alec took me under his wing and showed me an easy way to do trig. His lessons stuck with me and I used his techniques to teach my apprentices in the years to come. This is the way I was shown.  - Marc Cronin

