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Online education is an investment, not an expense. Invest in yourself. In retrospect, I wish I had known more about the hazards and difficulties of [running] a business. - George McGovernMBA ASAP is outstanding. John covers the foundations of sales, marketing, negotiation, strategy, and much more in the course. Additionally, he simplifies complex subjects so that anyone can grasp them. Sebastian RAn MBA at a top business school is an enormous investment in time and cash. And if you don't want to work for a consulting firm or an investment bank, the chances are it simply isn't worth it. Education falls into 3 categories - drown them with details, study it superfluously and the third - extract the essence and package it in memorable ways. MBA ASAP gives you simple mental models for every subject that's key to commercial success. From the basics of products and marketing to the nuances of finance and negotiation, this book and course distills everything you need to know to take on the MBA graduates and win. Business schools don't develop true leaders. Instead, they create themselves by acquiring the information, abilities, and experiences necessary for success. By taking this course, you can gain the skills that typically take a lifetime to learn in just one week. A world-class business education in a single course. An MBA at a top business school is an enormous investment in time and cash. And if you don't want to work for a consulting firm or an investment bank, the chances are it simply isn't worth it. MBA ASAP gives you simple mental models for every subject that's key to commercial success. From the basics of products and marketing to the nuances of finance and negotiation, this book and course distills everything you need to know to take on the MBA graduates and win. We're looking forward to giving you the knowledge you need to succeed - whether you're an employee, mid-level manager, or entrepreneur. Every successful business (1) creates or provides something of value that (2) other people want or need (3) at a price they're willing to pay, in a way that (4) satisfies the purchaser's needs and expectations and (5) provides the business sufficient revenue to make it worthwhile for the owners to continue operation. A traditional way of learning about systems is getting your MBA from a prestigious school and then getting a fast-track job that takes you up the corporate ladder. An MBA is important because you learn the basics of accounting and how the financial numbers relate to the systems of a business. A corporate job can teach you business systems while you earn and will take ten years. This is a promising path but it is labor and time intensive. And expensive. MBA ASAP is a fast and inexpensive alternative To understand the systems of marketing, finance and accounting, sales, human resources, and the many other systems that are required to keep a business afloat and make it successful."Business is always evolving especially with advances in technology. Business and technology topics can be new and novel or difficult to understand. John has the ability to frame and present business topics in a way where the audience feels like they can quickly grasp concepts, define strategy, and begin to execute."Are you planning on getting a business degree? An MBA? Want a leg up in your classes and coursework?Looking for a way to turbocharge your career and level up? Thinking of changing careers or starting a business? Do you aspire to be a manager?We're MBA ASAP, our mission is to make advanced, quality business education accessible to capable students everywhere by leveraging technology at scale to deliver inexpensive online programs, courses, and books. We know that talent is distributed globally, but opportunity is not. We believe all capable and committed students deserve the opportunity to change their lives and to impact their communities. Education is most effective when educators, and students work together to create pathways for mutual success. Technology makes advanced learning locally available across geographies and enhances outcomes. Don't let lack of financial intelligence stop you from getting ahead. The MBA ASAP frameworks and learning process can create opportunities for students to make change happen and help them level up in ways they didn't think were possible. If you can check at least 3 of the items below, perhaps it's time to leap: I have a desire to do more meaningful work I have a project that I've been holding on to I want to do more and make a difference I'm looking for clarity and confidence to move forward on my journey I want to be successful in the future of work I want to learn and practice real leadership I'm looking to be an expert decision-maker I want to level up my communication skillsWe're ready for you. Why take this course?Since you are here reading this, chances are you want to make something meaningful happen like start a business, get a promotion, be more successful and fulfilled, or make your mark on the universe. It is also likely that a few things are holding you back from achieving your dreams: Business Fear. The feeling that you don't know much about business and could never start your own company or take more responsibility for your current situation. Better to maintain the status quo and stay within your comfort zone than to face the fear of the unknown. Certificate Intimidation. The idea that business is super complicated is an area best left to highly trained elite experts. If you don't have an Ivy League MBA or similar expensive and time-consuming credentials, who are you to think you know what to do. Imposter Syndrome. The gnawing fears that you're inadequate and already in over your head. It's only a matter of time before you're exposed to be a total fraud and phony. We don't rise to our expectations; we fall to the level of our knowledge.  If you feel you are functioning below the level of your potential, maybe it's time to level up! Here is the good news, everyone has these unfounded fears, and you can quickly put an end to them. All you need to do is learn a few simple concepts that will change how you think about the way business works. Once you have conquered your fears, you can do anything! No matter who you are or what you are trying to accomplish, you're about to discover a practical new way of looking at business that will help you spend less time worrying about your fears and more time doing things that make a difference. Let's get started! This is your portable and personal MBA. It is a world-class MBA education in a single online course. Here are the subject areas I cover in this course. These make up the disciplines of Business Administration.· Entrepreneurship and Startups· Ethics· Financial Literacy: Understanding Financial Statements· Marketing in the Digital Age· Accounting· Management & Leadership· Negotiations· Operations and Supply Chain Management· Corporate Finance· Economics· Understanding the Financial Markets· Business Law· Human Resource Management· Statistics for Business· Intellectual Property· Strategic Planning and ImplementationThese 16 subjects constitute an MBA program. These are the Rules of the Game of Business. You become a Master of Business Administration when you understand these 16 subjects. You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone else. Smashing Down the Barriers: How to Make Higher Education More Accessible for AllHigher education is a gated system. Higher education is a gated system because it can be difficult for some individuals to access and succeed in higher education. This limit is due to several factors, including financial barriers, lack of academic preparation, and social and cultural obstacles. One of the most significant barriers to higher education is the cost. College tuition and fees have been rising faster than inflation for decades, making it increasingly difficult for low-income students and students from marginalized communities to afford a college education. Many students can't work enough hours to cover the cost of their education because of the time required to study and attend classes. Another barrier to higher education is the need for more academic preparation. This limitation can be particularly true for students from low-income families and marginalized communities, who may not have had access to the same resources and opportunities as their more affluent peers. These students may struggle to meet the academic requirements for college and may be less likely to succeed in college-level coursework. In addition to financial and academic barriers, social and cultural obstacles can make it difficult for some individuals to access and succeed in higher education. For example, first-generation college students may not have the support of their families or communities and may not know what to expect from the college experience. Moreover, students from marginalized communities may face discrimination and bias from their peers, professors, and other college community members. While higher education is a gated system, efforts are being made to reduce these barriers, such as scholarships and grants for low-income students, support programs for first-generation college students, and initiatives to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education. There are still many challenges to overcome and much work to do to make higher education accessible. It's important to remember that Higher education provides numerous benefits, such as higher earning potential, better job opportunities, and improved life outcomes. Therefore making it accessible to all will have a positive impact on society as a whole. Consequently, it's a societal goal that we should strive to achieve. Higher education has turned into a luxury good: exclusive, scarce, and expensive. Higher education is a path to upward mobility and a better life. However, it has become increasingly apparent in recent years that higher education has become a luxury good: exclusive, scarce, and expensive. One reason for this is the rising cost of college. Tuition and fees have been increasing faster than inflation for decades, making it difficult for many people to afford a college education. The average cost of attendance at a four-year public college has risen by 28% over the past decade, while the median income has only gone up 8%. This spread has led to a situation where only the wealthy can afford college, and the rest are priced out. Another reason why higher education has become a luxury good is the exclusivity and scarcity of certain institutions and programs. The most elite colleges and universities are highly selective, with acceptance rates in the single digits. For example, Stanford is at 4%, and Harvard is at 5%. This exclusivity means that only a tiny percentage of applicants can attend these institutions, leaving most students with limited options. Additionally, certain programs, such as medical, law schools, and MBA programs, have become increasingly selective, which leads to limited opportunities for many students. Furthermore, the limited number of places in prestigious universities also leads to this exclusivity, with less funding for non-elite institutions and fewer opportunities for students to attend them. This trend of higher education as a luxury good has significant societal implications. Only the wealthy can access the best opportunities and the highest-paying jobs. It also perpetuates social inequality, as children from wealthy families are more likely to attend prestigious universities and have better job prospects. In contrast, children from low-income families struggle to afford college and are less likely to succeed in the workforce. It's important to remember that higher education is a key driver of economic growth and prosperity, and a well-educated population is crucial for the success of a country. As such, the trend of higher education as a luxury good is a concerning development that needs to be addressed. Governments could do this by increasing funding for non-elite institutions, implementing policies that make college more affordable, and promoting social and economic mobility, so all individuals have the opportunity to succeed regardless of their background. MBA ASAP to remedy this situationOnline, on-demand, affordable educationIn light of the growing trends of higher education, I created MBA ASAP to help solve this problem. Our goal is to provide online, on-demand, and affordable education for anyone who wants to pursue a master's degree in business administration. We believe that higher education should be accessible to all, regardless of financial situation or background. To that end, we have designed our program to be entirely online, eliminating students' need to relocate or take time off from work. Online also makes it more affordable as students don't have to bear additional costs such as room and board. Additionally, our program is on-demand, so students can start whenever they want and study at their own pace. On-demand allows students to balance their education with other commitments, such as work and family. In terms of affordability, we strive to offer the program at a fraction of the cost of traditional MBA programs without sacrificing the quality of education. We have accomplished this by using technology to reduce overhead costs and reallocating resources to provide an intensive, interactive learning experience tailored to meet the needs of the modern learner. We also offer financial aid and scholarships to make the program even more accessible for those who need it. MBA ASAP is not just about providing an affordable education but also providing an education that is flexible, relevant, and tailored to the needs of the modern learner. We believe that by providing an alternative to traditional MBA programs, we can help make higher education accessible to more people and promote social and economic mobility. It's time to break down the barriers to higher education and make it accessible. MBA ASAP is one solution to that problem by providing an online, on-demand, and affordable education that is flexible, relevant, and tailored to the needs of the modern learner. I launched MBA ASAP to ensure that everyone could receive a top-notch business education Education at this price is a wise investment if you're serious about advancing your career. I encourage you to take this course. But if you decide not to, please take another class, or read a book. To know what you don't know is power. To ask and learn what you don't know is a superpower. Investing in learning makes you better at earning.

