BEST PMI PMP Exam Mockup Test Simulator 2022-2023 Set 02
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PMP Exam Mock up simulator - SET 02 with new different questions by Jaser M. Mustafa. based on the most current PMI PMP material and mindset. Ranked (tricky-but new PMI content related) Pass Score: 80% in each exam. if you get 80% of each of my exams you will be well prepared and you may pass your PMP exam with high ranking from the first attempt(I believe in you!)this mockup exam includes 3 sets: Set 1: 180 exam questions (should be solved within 230 minutes) Set 2: 60 exam question (should be solved within 77 minutes) Set 3: 60 exam question (should be solved within 77 minutes) Characteristics: 1- All situational (exactly similar to what you may get in the NEW real PMP exam )2- you can pause any time ( in the exam you will have only 2 breaks - each one 10 minutes - 1st one after question 60 and second one after question 120) 3- clarifications and explanation of why the answer is correct or incorrect.4- Agile environment questions 5- Adaptive environment questions 6- waterfall/predictive/traditional environment questions 7- hybrid environment questions 8- questions are shuffled (you will not get the same questions order every time you take the exam) 9- answers are shuffled (you will not get the same answers order every time you take the exam) 10- matching the PMI Domains 11- covering PMI new PMP materials (Performance Domains, Tailoring, Methods-models-artifacts.)take the exams until you get a minimum of 80% in each one easily (after understanding why your wrong answers were wrong)after you are done with each test you will get a ranking and you will get an explanation of the answers so you can focus on your weakness areas to make then more sharpened. BEST OF LUCK! 

