PMI-ACP Agile Certified Exam Simulator (6 Exams/720 Q)
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If you are preparing to take the PMI-ACP® Exam, so this course is a very good choice for you to help you pass the PMI-ACP® exam on your first trial. Why to choose this course?It contains 6 full realistic timed PMI-ACP® practice exam consists of 120 questions in 3 hours. All domains are covered in the practice exams. All questions are similar to the real exam questions. Explanations for every right answer. The creator for this course is an agile practitioner in a multi-national organization. He is also certified PMP®, PMI-RMP®, PMI-ACP®, CSM®. Some information about the PMI-ACP exam: The exam consists of 120 questions. There are 100 scored questions and 20 non-scored questions. The non-scored questions do not affect the score. The exam duration is 180 minutes. PMI did not announce for the passing score. Some rules for the exams: You can pause the test. You can retake the test later, but the time will be reduced. The pass score of each quiz is 70%. Each question only has ONE correct answer. Questions are situational, calculations, graphs and definitions. Finally, we wish you all success in the PMI-ACP® exam and don't forget to rate the course 1 star is the lowest and 5 star is the highest.

