PROGRAMMING - Make An App Or A Game And Make Money - MIT AI2
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In this course you will learn programming basics by going through the development of four mobile apps that will run on Android devices like smart phones and tablets. The programming in this course is a visual drag and drop language based on Java in which puzzle blocks are connected forming the code of the apps that you build. You will learn mobile app design through the use of different types of components. Layout Components such as HorizontalArrangement, HorizontalScrollArrangement, TableArrangement, VerticalArrangement, VerticalScrollArrangement;User Interface Components such as Button, CheckBox, DatePicker, Image, Label, ListPicker, ListView, Notifier, PasswordTextBox, Slider, Spinner, Switch, TextBox, TimePicker, WebViewer;Media Components such as Camera, FilePicker, ImagePicker, Player, Sound, SoundRecorder, SpeechRecognizer, TextToSpeech, Translator, VideoPlayer;Drawing and Animation Components such as Ball, Canvas, ImageSprite;Sensor Components such as AccelerometerSensor, BarcodeScanner, Barometer, Clock, GyroscopeSensor, Hygrometer, LightSensor, LocationSensor, MagneticFieldSensor, NearField, OrientationSensor, Pedometer, ProximitySensor, Thermometer;Storage Components such as CloudDB, DataFile, File, Spreadsheet, TinyDB, TinyWebDBThe course consists of five sections; each with two lectures. Each section takes you through the development and building of a different app, showing you the design of the app through layout and the necessary components to facilitate the functionality of the app; as well as taking you through the programming of the blocks required to make the app and all of it's components work. Course Sections: Introduction Audio RecorderDrawing AppStrategy GameRole Playing GameBy the end of this course you will be able to build your own installable Adventure Role Playing Game for Android devices in the same style as the early Final Fantasy games from the late 80's and early 90's. Join us now and learn to program your own apps for Android mobile devices.

