Teach Tech-Savvy Skills: Enroll Now!
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Welcome to I. CODE, a comprehensive course designed to help K-12 educators teach coding and computer science skills to their students. Our curriculum is specifically designed to bridge the gap between education, technology, and industry, by bringing proper computer and technical literacy into schools. Our course is ideal for anyone who wants to teach coding but may lack the confidence or resources to do so. Whether you're an experienced teacher or just starting out, I. CODE provides an easy-to-follow, pre-recorded training program that includes all the lesson plans and resources you need to teach coding to students aged 14 and up. In addition, our course includes instructions on how to integrate the tools and software needed to teach coding into your classroom. Through our course, students will learn how to program in C# and develop the skills they need to succeed in today's technology-driven world. We begin by introducing students to basic coding concepts through a smart application called Light Bot, followed by the Scratch drag-and-drop software created by educators at MIT. As students progress through the course, they'll be introduced to more complex coding concepts, such as loops, if-else statements, and variables, culminating in the development of their own independent coding projects. Our course includes more than 2 hours of recorded video introductions, student handouts, source code, and guidelines to help you teach coding with confidence. At I. CODE, our goal is to empower educators to teach coding and computer science skills with ease, and help students become the drivers behind a world driven by technology, instead of just being interfaced by it. Enroll today and join the growing community of educators who are bringing coding and computer science to K-12 classrooms across the country.

