Create an Online Multiplayer Game: Unity, NodeJS, TypeScript
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Welcome to the straightforward guide on building a multiplayer game using Unity and NodeJS. If you're seeking a no-nonsense approach, you're in the right place. Let's get straight to the point, Here's what this course offers:Unity & NodeJS Integration: Dive deep into using Unity for your game's visual elements while harnessing the power of NodeJS for the backend mechanics. We simplify the complex parts, making integration easy.Content Management with Strapi: Manage your game's content efficiently. Learn the ins and outs of Strapi, ensuring you have a dynamic and easily updatable game environment. Networking Essentials: Delve into the fundamentals of online game networking. Learn the distinct features of Peer-to-Peer and Client-Server systems, making sure your game provides the best multiplayer experience. TypeScript & OOP: Go beyond the basics. Understand how TypeScript and Object Oriented Programming can be combined to produce more organized, scalable, and efficient backend code. Game Security: In today's digital age, security is paramount. We'll guide you through the steps to safeguard your game, reducing vulnerabilities and ensuring a safer platform for your players. Publishing and Updates: Once your game is out there, it needs to stay relevant. Get insights on best practices for updating and improving your live game, adding new content, and ensuring continuous player engagement. Designed for both beginners and those with some game development background, this course promises a holistic understanding of creating, managing, and updating online multiplayer games. Dive in, and let's start building!Please note that this course focusses on the Online Multiplayer aspect of game development, how to setup your own infrastructure from scratch etc. This is not specifically a game design/game dev course on how to make a complex/advanced online game, that will come later in my next course where we will use this logic to make a very complex, advanced esports ready card game.

